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Image by Eduardo Pastor

Queering International Development

Duration: Full day (approximately 5 hours)

Delivery: In person or online

"The links made between international development and human rights also helped me to think about how our policies and procedures could be made more inclusive, particularly with regards to MEAL tools and programme design" (Attendee)


"As an international development practitioner, i learnt so much. This was all new to me!" (Attendee)

Course or talk biography

What is this about?

“Why is international development so straight?”


With the adoption of the Agenda 2030, United Nation member states pledged to ensure “no one will be left behind” and to “endeavour to reach the furthest behind first.” Sexual and gender minorities have traditionally been overlooked in international development, humanitarian and aid sectors, and this must change if we are to see meaningful development which is inclusive of all. You can be part of changing this system to ensure that no one is truly left behind in your work.


This is an excellent introductory course for anyone who is part of an international development organisation or an organisation which works within international development, humanitarian or aid organisations. This course is ideal for those who know little to nothing about the issues faced by sexual and gender minorities, as well as how to engage with them.​

Learning outcomes:

  • Enable you to understand the terminology used when referring to sexual and gender minorities (LGBTQI+ populations);​

  • Explore the global history and development of LGBTQI+ human rights and international development - where do sexual and gender minorities fit into this?​

  • Explore the reasons why international development has traditionally been accused of being 'cisnormative' and ‘heteronormative’;​

  • Identify the key development issues faced by sexual and gender minorities across parts of the globe;​

  • Illustrate how you can achieve a 'queering' of Agenda 2030 by including sexual and gender minorities in your work, so no one is truly left behind;​

  • Gain knowledge of the mechanisms of how you can engage with SDG frameworks;​

  • Increase your knowledge and skills in reaching out and bringing sexual and gender minorities onboard as part of your international development work;​

  • Enable you to become a more inclusive international development organisation.

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