A Short History of HIV
HIV in the Media
Duration: 1 hour (each)
Delivery: In person or online
"I learnt so much about the history of HIV in the U.K. This was illuminating and it helped me to understand the stigma that people live through and how I can help to change it" (Attendee)
Course or talk biography
What is this about?
Both courses provide a general outline to the history of HIV. A 'Short History of HIV' charts HIV and AIDS and the emergence in the United Kingdom, including how institutions and others, responded to HIV and AIDS. This is ideal for people who knoq little about the history of HIV and who want to learn more. The second talk 'HIV in the Media' asks whether the press has been a 'friend or foe' in how HIV and AIDS have been represented within various media outlets, from press, films, and television.
Learning outcomes (broadly for both):
To examine the history of HIV and AIDS in the United Kingdom.
To explore reactions to HIV and AIDS from others.
To evaluate how the history of HIV and AIDS has impacted upon the stigma attached to it.